Saturday, June 24, 2006

A new Experience

Last sunday was my first day to work at Shadi Systems company.. This week was just a training & real work will begin isAllah next sunday...

It is a totally new experience, I really did learn a lot the past 5 days.. & isAllah looking forward to learn more... I will send about the new things I leant here so soon isAllah...

From the most important things I learnt the past days..
1) xml.. javascript.. html... etc are VERY important to be very WELL known & understood..

2) One has to keep up-to-date & read a lot about the new technologies & tools that comes by every now & then..

isAllah, I will edit this post frequently...

Sunday, June 18, 2006


u know minesweaper??
who doesn't know minesweaper :D... I like that game.. anyway,during the college days I decided to make my own minesweaper -with big cells cause my eyes hurt me from those tiny one :D- (actually it wasnt my idea, I just heard some collegeues talking about that w tala3o el mawdoo3 fe dema3'y).. so I started in it & later, one became so busy & I left it...
During exams, I just thought about completing it & wish to leave studying to complete it... so this was the first thing to do after taking the vacation.. (I completed it thursday morning ;) )
I finished it, but actually NO UI interface at all... that's why I am not putting a screen shot here ;)

well, its so simple to be implemented... maybe the main problem that you will face is that there is no 'right click' event handler in c#.. so u will have to make one yourself ;)
(I dont know why didnt Microsoft make an event for the right mouse click.. even in .net 2005 ^o) .. )

About handling the mines.. a good ACMer will do that (cause there is a problem called minesweaper in the problemset in the OJ ;) )...

Maybe later I will send a screen shot here, but I dont think I will waste my time for making a good UI for this.. :huh..

c u in next posts isAllah.. There will be a looot of posts coming isAllah..
Keep in touch :)

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Trying Office 2007 (Beta)

I am using Office 2007 (beta)... I like the layout so much… its my favorite blue color… :)I am just trying to publish a post through this office… hope it works…

Really, I like it so much… I like the new features…Anyway, if any of my dear blog readers would like to try it, just let me know, I will send it to u as soon as u want… or maybe you can sign up at Microsoft’s web site for trying the Betas… I really do wish to try the windows vista… so soon isAllah…gtg now… salamo 3alikom….